平和的境界 來自單純心靈的穿梭 滔滔的河流 源自滴滴雨水的匯集 世界的和平 緣起尋常家庭的融洽 和諧的天地 無有痛苦飢餓和恐懼 面對工作 投入誠懇和熱情 和諧相處 成果豐碩看得見 互相包容 開放共享新理念 健康財富 歡樂希望無止境 融和互動 展現永恆的寧靜 天人合一 綻放光輝的人性 和諧的路上 無窮的希望 有餘的天地 有情的眾生 和諧的能量 結成熾熱的力量 就是這樣 世界的和平 來自內在的平靜 以及柔軟的心靈 A PEACEFUL WORLD A peaceful world must weave itself from single peaceful souls As mighty rivers gather strength from single drops of rain Peace thrives on family harmony and common kindred goals In harmony we find the end of hunger, fear and pain Through empathy in business life, employer and employed In harmony at place of work, prosperity is found When tolerance of race and creed is openly enjoyed Then health and wealth and joy and hope are destined to abound In harmony with all of life, one finds a lasting peace Through unity with earth and sky, humanity finds grace When we are on the road to peace, our hopes will never cease In sparing air and soil and sea, we save the human race While harmony of powers-that-be must be a fervent goal Yet, world peace builds from inner peace and gentleness of soul |
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